To aim and shoot for freedom
The revolution in Egypt. As we see it on our televisions and read about it in our newspapers it is big and dangerous, blood and tears and angry and scared people from a country of change. One wise man once said that things might get worse before it can get better and maybe that's the case with Egypt. Maybe Egypt has to get worse to be able to rise from its own ashes and start to grow again - proud and strong.
I'm pro the revolution in Egypt. People are angry and unhappy with how their country is ruled and how the life is there. No structure, minimal laws and poverty from a country that has all the possibility to be one of the worlds richest countries. Off course I think that they should stand up for what they believe in, to fight for the future of their children and the freedom in their life. We all should, no matter where we are from..
I just saw a video recently filmed in a street i Cairo. The Video shows a crowd of angry men that are demonstration on the street. My first reaction was: Yes, do that! Scream and Shout and let it all out! But then it happens. The thing that change people from fighting for their freedom to become monsters instead. They transform from fighters to killers, murderers and making them have blood on their hands.
I know that there have been clashes from the pro's and anti's and that they are fighting. I cannot with words express the feeling I get from that. That someone can hurt another person just because he or she thinks one way and you another. That the people in the video feel that they have the right to pretend that they play counterstrike on the computer, but now, on the streets instead. That instead of aiming and trying to kill a computerized person, they aim and kill a father or mother, a brother or sister or a son or daughter.
I can't tell what all the shooters in the video was aiming at. The camera on the balcony couldn't see that far. But they are aiming and firing their gun, as they were the one who decide who will live or die. They are aiming and shooting to kill someone. Someone they don't even know anything about.
I really don't know what I want to say with all of this. I saw a video and the video makes me feel so sick of the humankind and our way of thinking sometimes. That there is people feeling that they have the right to shoot another person, who just wants a better life, as you, me and everybody else do. That someone should be killed because of his or hers beliefs about what is good for that persons life. Remember that the person next to you also wants a good, safe and happy life.
People need to learn how to treat each other and to restrain him/herself. It is totally okay to be angry and do a demonstration. It is awesome and strong to stand for what you believe in. But it will never be okay, good, awesome or strong to stop using your words and let your hands do the job. A person who is hurting another one should never be listened to, because when the intelligence runs out, hands takes on. And as I see it, I just want to listen to intelligent people..