The day has come!
Resedagen har kommit och nu ska mycket hinnas med innan planet har tänkt att lyfta. Jag har knappt packat klart och en del av mina kläder hänger på tork. Men jag känner inte stressen....

Men iallafall, bara några timmar kvar och sedan är jag påväg. Dags att slutföra packningen!
The time has come! The day for my departure is here and I have so many things to take care of before I need to go to the airport. I don't want to stress you all out but I haven't really packed all the things I will bring yet and today is the day! Isn't this so much me and my way of living? Save everything for the last minute because is so fun panicking!
This is the first time for me to travel with an airline called Turkish airlines. And this will be the first time for me to make a stop in a new country all by myself. Many of you might think that I'm nervous about moving to a new country but that's all wrong. I'm really nervous about traveling by myself. I'm afraid because I have to fly by myself, I'm afraid that my baggage will disappear or that I will get lost on the airport in Istanbul.
Anyway, it's just a few more hours and then I will be on my way. Maybe it's time to make my bags ready?
Postat av: Sandra
Nooooooooo! :/ Jag vill inte! Staaannna! <3
Postat av: Ann
Det går hur bra som helst! kram!
Postat av: Elly
Önskar dig all världens lycka nu! Det kommer gå så bra, så. Vi ses hemma i Egypten! :)